Victoria Salt
Practitioner Information
Raised on a small ranch in Central Florida, with a father who was an MD/OB-GYN and a mother who was a former 1960s Peace Corps volunteer, my brothers and I spent much of our childhood outdoors surrounded by farm animals. I loved all animals—spending my days playing with and caring for our horses, cats, dogs, chickens, rolly pollies, frogs, rabbits, cattle, and over the years, even a pig and a goat.
One of my earliest and most profound memories was witnessing the birth of my horse when I was just six years old. I truly believe that if all children had the opportunity to observe a natural animal birth, we would be in a much better place as a society today.
At 17, I left for university and, over the years, lived in apartments across big cities in the U.S., Europe, and South America. In 2020, after spending 15 years in Colombia, I returned to the family ranch with our two young children so they could attend a Montessori school. The school had announced it would open in June 2020—without masks—for children of first responder parents.
I ended up working there as a substitute teacher, primarily in the toddler room, responsible for six children eight hours a day. It was the best—and most challenging—job of my life. Over the 13 months I worked there (June 2020 to July 2021), there was not a single case of Covid among the 80 children enrolled, ranging in age from three months to 12 years old.
During that time, I made Telegram videos for family and friends in Colombia, showing how healthy the children were. Most big cities worldwide were still in lockdown, masking children—which I saw as pure evil. I began to question whether Covid even existed, as I never witnessed any illness labeled "Covid" among the children.
When the push to vaccinate children for Covid began, I cried for three days, realizing this was a modern-day biblical child sacrifice ritual. As a Bible researcher who left the Catholic Church in 2021, I began connecting the dots, uncovering 21 references to child sacrifice—primarily in the Old Testament. I realized the prophets who are celebrated in the Bible often followed the same path: they went to authority figures—pharaohs, kings, and Pharisees—denouncing and rebuking these horrific practices, exhorting leaders to find God (Truth) and stop this evil.
Dr. Tom Cowan was a huge influence on me in learning to question everything—not being afraid of truth but embracing it. Part of that journey has included acknowledging my deep regret over vaccinating our children until 2018, only understanding in 2021 that they had been poisoned with metals. Almost every day, I reflect on the foolish, ignorant decisions I made in the past. I was too lazy to research, too comfortable with my ego, my salary, and the illusion of status—letting my brain atrophy.
In 2021, I was interviewed on various platforms—Colombian radio, Colombia's most famous weekly magazine "Semana," and a large Facebook channel. I was ridiculed. But my skin has become thick, and I am more committed than ever to living, speaking, and seeking the truth. In my opinion, truth is crucial for a future worth living. We have been indoctrinated, brainwashed, and subjected to mass psychological operations designed for democide and suicide. I am not going down without a fight.
I believe the Periodic Table of Elements is a manmade ingredient list for mankind’s extinction.
In May 2020, I wrote a four-step strategy for Bogotá, Colombia (population 8 million officially), to reopen schools, restaurants, and bars. A former colleague of mine, Diego Molano Aponte—who was an advisor to then-President Duque and later became Colombia’s Defense Minister—asked me how to reopen our live music, New Orleans-themed restaurant that had been forced to close for six months due to Covid restrictions.
I had been closely following the death rates officially reported by country and knew that 1% or fewer had died—and most were over 80-year-old American men. Nothing made sense.
This is a little bit about what brought me to become a New Biology Practitioner. I have found that my critical thinking and discernment have consistently served me better than most of those around me. I would like to help whoever I can live a long, healthy life.
I’m living to at least 150 years. Join me.
i specialize in listening, observing and questioning the patient regarding their lifestyle, daily concerns, future worries, diet, and current health/physical/mental transformation possibly DUE to allopathic iatrogenetic treatements. Salt is a wondrous beautiful natural gift that we can apply to healing in many ways in my opinion. I believe we are made up of structured or crystallized or gelled or 4th phase water due to salt, the original electrolyte, and think the modern concept of Adinosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) is a fallacious construct. I performed a salt rock +water experiment in 2023 and proved that indeed it makes energy/electricity. I developed a 4 step Salt Theory for Longevity/ Metal Poisoning Reversal that I live by. i have presented this theory to Dr. Tom Cowan and others in the medical field and haven't received any negative feedback. I can share with you how I came to my theory based on my deep chemistry and alchemic research and the huge leap I took intellectually by taking Tom's New Biology Curricullum 2023-4. It's good news that I would like to share and not difficult.