Nealy Piazza

Nealy photo
Nealy photo

Practitioner Information

Have a look on my website, for a little more detail, but suffice it to say I grew up amongst horses and dogs. I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was younger, thank goodness I dodged that bullet! Instead I found a better way to achieve balanced mind and body, which leads to better relationships with your animals. And isn't that the whole goal, to have longer and more meaningful relationships? I focus on realistic, safe animal care that relies heavily on proper diet and incorporates homeopathy and Chinese medicine while avoiding pharmaceuticals and other toxic 'preventative' measures.


I specialize in species appropriate raw diets for dogs, homeopathy for dogs and their people, holistic care for dogs. I also lead Gateway to Homeopathy 1 and 2, as well as protocol course study groups through Joette Calabrese's Practical Homeopathy program. My groups tend to have an emphasis on animal applications, primarily dogs.

Appointments are by phone or Zoom.


West Plains, Howell County, Missouri, 65775, United States

Contact Information

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